Visit us in the Display & Demos Tent for Hands-On Crafts Demonstrations!
From Fiber to Fabric – Card wool, spin on a drop spindle, weave on a loom, knit or crochet, try rug hooking, needle felting, and more!
Make sure you check out our full Festival Schedule!
We are so excited to have a few special demonstrations this year! See below for more information.
The volunteers of the Louisa County Historical Society, all members of the Louisa Fiber Guild, will be presenting “Fiber Through the Ages” a demonstration of how spinning, weaving and fabric came to be. Using antique and reproduction tools faithful to the time period, they will discuss and demonstrate the history of handspinning from prehistory to the Industrial Revolution.” They will make formal presentations at: 11:00 and 2:00 both days.
The Fuzzy Ear is a small rabbitry located in Gloucester, VA. We raise English & German Angora as well as French Lops and American Fuzzy Lops. We not only use the Angora wool for our special yarn blends, but all of our rabbits participate in our animal assisted support visits to nursing homes, schools and in the community. Come visit us in the FFF Demo tent at 10:00 and 2:00 to learn more and meet these wonderful rabbits.
Weaving & Spinning Demos & Spin-In, Knitting & Crochet Sit-n-Stitch, Yarn/Ball Winding

Want to join us? Bring your wheel, spindle, loom, knitting or crochet project, and drop-in throughout the Festival. Take a break from workshops and shopping to relax and help us demo our crafts to others. Wind your new yarn at the yarn winding station and cast on a project! For more information or to volunteer to help with fiber arts demonstrations, please email [email protected].