Every year, the Fall Fiber Festival brings in a diverse class of vendors selling fiber, fiber arts, and crafts. Learn more about becoming a vendor on our vendor application page, or contact the vendor coordinator at [email protected]. If you are a vendor interested in advertising in our catalogue, visit the Catalog Sponsors page.
2024 Craft Vendors
See below for the full list of amazing vendors for the 2024 Festival.
Vendor | Virginia Vendor | Website/Email | Location |
Aisling Yarns | aislingyarns.com | Lower Tent 19-20 | |
Alford Family Farm and Spinnery | Facebook Page | Upper Tent 9-10 | |
Aoire Maith Fibre Studios/Weald & Wool | aoiremaithfibrestudios.com | Lower Tent - 4 | |
Artisans Hand Pottery | Etsy Page | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (9) | |
Autumn Vista Farm | Yes | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (8) | |
Belle Fields Farm | Yes | Facebook Page | Upper Tent 7 |
Bentwaters Farm | Yes | Lower Tent - 3 | |
Blue Fields Farm | Yes | Upper Tent 3-4 | |
Camp Stitchwood | Yes | campstitchwood.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (10) |
Cedar View Farm | Yes | cedarviewfarmva.com | Lower Tent 10 |
Central Virginia Fiber Mill | Yes | centralvirginiafibermill.com | Lower Tent 28 |
Cesium Yarn | Yes | cesiumyarn.com | Lower Tent 24 |
Clarksville Weaver | Yes | Lower Tent 21 | |
Cynthia Wood Spinner | Yes | cynthiawoodspinner.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (7) |
Delly's Delights Farm | Yes | Facebook Page | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (11-12) |
Dirt Floor Fibers | Yes | dirtfloorfibers.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (6) |
Gatherings | Yes | Upper Tent 1 | |
GlitzNGlaze | Yes | glitznglaze.myshopify.com | Lower Tent 7 |
Hearts of the Meadow | heartsofthemeadow.com | Lower Tent 12-13 | |
Hope of Glory Farm | Yes | hopeofgloryfarm.com | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (7-8) |
Justifiably Julia | Yes | Etsy Shop | Upper Tent 6 |
Kim Harrison Fibers | Yes | ruxvillefarmfiberarts.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (9) |
Knit Wit Yarn Shop | Yes | knitwityarn.com | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (2-3) |
Knitting Notions | knittingnotions.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (11-12) | |
Knitty Jax Stitch Markers | Yes | knittyjax.com | Lower Tent 18 |
Lagniappe Farm Alpacas | Yes | lagniappe-farm.com | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (5-6) |
Lancaster Creek Spinnery | Yes | gurdyrun.com | Upper Tent 2 |
Lazy O Ranch | lazyosheepranch.com | Lower Tent 8 | |
Mangham Manor Wool & Mohair Farm | Yes | wool.us | Upper Tent 11-12 |
Merino Matron Sheep Farm | Yes | Lower Tent 11 | |
Misty Mountain Farm/Beaver Creek Yarns | Yes | Lower Tent 1-2 | |
Moon on the Mountain Farm | Etsy Shop | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (2) | |
Mt Airy Farm/Morning Moon Alpacas | Yes | mtairyfam.weebly.com | Lower Tent 16 |
One of a Kind | Yes | oneofakindfairies.com | Lower Tent 17 |
Pomocray Farm | Yes | Upper Tent 5 | |
Retreat Farm | Yes | Etsy Shop | Lower Tent 6 |
Samspun | samspun.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (5) | |
Semper Fidelis Farm | Yes | semperfidelisfarm.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (3) |
Shirsty Cat Designs | shirstycat.com | Lower Tent 14-15 | |
Silverleaf Spinning | Yes | Upper Tent 8 | |
Simple Hill Farm | Yes | simplehillfarm.com | Lower Tent 22 |
Southern Sheep Company | southernsheepcompany.com | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (4) | |
Spring Gate Farm | Yes | springgatefarm.com | Lower Tent 25-26 |
The Fuzzy Ear | Yes | thefuzzyear.com | Lower Tent 27 |
Tika Design Studio | tikabags.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (4) | |
Tinkers Hollow | Yes | tinkershollowrva.com | Lower Tent 9 |
Tuatha | tuathacelt.com | Lower Tent 5 | |
Twisted Yarn and Fiber Bags | Yes | twistedyarnfiber.com | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (10) |
Wild Hare Fiber Studio | Yes | wildharefiber.com | Inside Vendor Tent 1 (1) |
Wolle's Yarn Creations | Yes | wollesyarncreations.com | Inside Vendor Tent 2 (1) |